Tuesday, September 16, 2008

End of Summer Hip Hop Playlist

Yes, boys and girls- im not dead, just dead tired. Been basically "touring" U KILL U and the Grind Steeze discs around metro Boston and greater New England, but I felt I should leave our readership, limited as it may be, with a few goodies for the end of the summer. This is basically a list of stuff I've personally been feeling during the past few months. Most of which new, a few old favs mixed in for good measure. Hope you enjoy.

“Break”, Saul Williams off ‘Niggytardust’
“The Area”, Eliot Lipp off ‘The Outside’
“Futurama”, Invizzibl Men off ‘The Unveiling’
“Love Don’t”, C.R.A.C. off ‘The Piece Talks’
“Good Old Smokey”, Factor f/ Myka 9 off ‘Chandelier’
Typical Workday”, Mister Salty off ‘Tobacco Road’
“Blood on the Cats Skin”, Michael Nhat off ‘Microwave
“Hold the Floor”, Camu Tao (RIP)
“Dervishes”, Persephone
Public Defenders”, Super Chron Flight Brothers
“Psycho Gunpowder”, Orko Eloheim off ‘Forbidden Physics”
“Deathful”, Subtle off ‘Yell & Ice’
I Love You”, MF Grimm off ‘American Hunger’
“Right Place, Wrong Time”, Soul Position off ‘8 Million Stories’
“Walk with Me Princess”, K-the-i??? off ‘Broken Love Lettter
Star Killer”, Beans
“Crown of the 12 Stars”, Sir Menelik off ‘The Einstein Rosen Bridge”
“Shinkansen”, Daedelus off ‘Of Snowdonia’

ReCaaLL the UnKillable Albatroid

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